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HP Sauce

HP Sauce

Regular price $7.00 USD
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HP Sauce, or, Houses of Parliament Sauce, is a brown sauce that was originally made in the UK, but is now produced by the H.J. Heinz company in the Netherlands. Since its first appearance on British dinner tables in the late 19th century, HP Sauce has become an icon of British culture.

Tasty uses for HP sauce include: spreading on a bacon sandwich (also known as a bacon butty), use as a dipping sauce for meat pies and sausage rolls, marinate your favorite meats, and use as a base for onion or other gravies.

HP Sauce has a tomato base, blended with malt vinegar and spirit vinegar, sugars (molassesglucose-fructose syrupsugar), dates, cornflour, rye flour, salt, spices and tamarind.

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