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Loose-leaf Tea Sampler Pack

Loose-leaf Tea Sampler Pack

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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A 3-teaspoon sample of each of our loose-leaf teas, so you can try them all! Each package contains enough tea for three 6-ounce cups, or two 8-ounce cups, or one 2-3 cup tea pot. Current flavors in the sampler:

Magic Color Tea (fruity and floral with a green tea base, shop exclusive blend)
Margaret's Hope (Darjeeling)
Rose Congou Emperor (black tea tossed in roses 5x)
Jasmine Gold Dragon (green tea with jasmine flowers)
Witches Brew (whole spices with black tea, shop exclusive blend)
Lapsang Souchong (black tea smoked with pine and cypress)
Irish Cream (a tea version of Baileys, but without the alcohol!)

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