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Smashed Peas (aka Mushy Peas)

Smashed Peas (aka Mushy Peas)

Regular price $6.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $6.00 USD
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Add a pop of savory brightness to your traditional Celtic meal with our quintessential Smashed Peas! Perfect as a side for meat pies or any dish that needs a touch of green. Get your taste buds dancing with this classic addition.

We make it simple - green peas, vegetable stock, and a dash of salt and pepper. So it's vegan, too! Each frozen deli tub is 16 oz. and will serve 2-3 people.

Additional menu idea: You can also use it as a soup base to make pea soup by adding your choice of vegetable or chicken stock, or even cream, to loosen it up to the thickness you want. Add extra petite peas, chopped ham, smoked turkey, or whatever protein you like. Pick up yours today!

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