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Irish Soda Bread - Sweet Spotted Dog

Irish Soda Bread - Sweet Spotted Dog

Regular price $11.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $11.00 USD
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Sweet Irish Soda Bread is different from its traditional cousin, because it's a little bit more "fancy" and is made for special occasions and guests. Some folks also know it at Spotted Dog, which is a nickname we love. Each bread is made and mixed by hand, either with sweet currants, raisins and caraway seeds, or with dried cranberries soaked in orange juice, and orange zest... Both are perfect for afternoon tea and a bit of Irish butter. It's a little bit of Ireland at home.

Please make sure to refrigerate the bread upon receiving it. Because there are no preservatives, it does not last long outside of refrigeration (more than a day). If you are not going to eat it within a week, please freeze it until you wish to eat it.

Each round weighs over 1 lb. before baking, and is 6" diameter.

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